Monday 27 January 2020

| How to be mentally strong |

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. You go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. 

Happy new week dolls!! I had to miss Thursday's post because I'm still getting over the cold and my sinus' would block whenever I sat too long, so I tried to keep busy. Hopefully it leaves me fully this week. The mood is in that in between stage at the moment, where the year just starts and everyone is stuck as to what they want to do or even having motivation to do it is a struggle just now. But, January is almost over and we'll be getting over that first hurdle. I personally always start to feel a bit better when that first month is over. So, I thought it was the perfect moment to share tips on how to be mentally strong because winter or the start of a new year can sometimes be a struggle for many. I hope they might help in some way big or small. Have a great week ahead & whatever you may face this week - you can get through it!!

Loves & Loves

How to be mentally strong

1. Don't fear time alone - Sometimes alone time can help us be our own person or learn to do so. We are forced to make our own choices because there is only us. It clears our mind as well to be alone. When we learn to be alone, we think for ourselves, we make our own plans, we learn to stand on our own two feet, so don't fear, embrace it!

2. Don't dwell on the past - You're not there anymore, plan and simple. Take lessons learned but leave the rest behind, you will only be a dog chasing it's tail otherwise. You become a prisoner of things already happened and miss out on whats happening now and in the future. Just because one thing happened before doesn't mean it will happen again. 

3. Don't feel the world owes you - We are born with nothing, we leave with nothing. Everyone in the world is striving to live and survive. Everything we want is achieved through hard work, this is just how it goes. If you wait on someone giving you something, you'll be waiting for the rest of your life. Some may have more privilege than others but nothing is owed to us - except respect, never forget that, we are human beings and deserve to be treated fairly, equally and with care!

4. Don't expect immediate results - Sometimes we have to try and try and try and then try some more to get the results we want. It's not a sure shot scenario. And often we get better the more we try, which creates better results. So if it doesn't work at first, adjust and then try again!

5. Don't worry about pleasing everyone - You'll never please everyone any ways, it's impossible. Because we are all different. Even in terms of blogging, I blog about somethings that people aren't interested in, I wear an outfit that people aren't interested in, do I care? No!! I do these things to please myself, to make myself happy and if some happen to like it, then cool. If not, I'm still me and I'm still awesome. You're not ice-cream in all the flavours to please everyone, just make sure you are happy and the right people will radiate towards you!

6. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself - It won't change anything. Believe me, it won't. I was born with cerebral palsey in my legs and people used to feel sorry for me (when they weren't making fun of me that is) and I could have sat feeling sorry for myself but, that wouldn't have made my legs the way people thought they should be. I would have never left my room otherwise because people always had something to say or a look to give. I instead focused on being a better person, I grew in kindness and love and rose above it. I am not hindered by my cerebral palsey but, I can guarantee that if I had felt sorry for myself, I would have never achieved anything, I would have sat inside letting life pass me by, instead I chose to grab life by the handful and do what I could do and didn't worry about what I couldn't do or what I thought I couldn't do. I put strength in the trying instead of feeling sorry for myself in the can not!!

7. Don't waste energy on things you can't control - Like it's raining or something breaks, these things and many more are things we can't control. Yes, it's annoying when they pop up but, more times than any, we make the situation much worse by how we react. We waste energy and time worrying and so on about things we can't do anything about, no matter what we do. Instead, concentrate on making it better, improving the situation from where you can go from where it spun out of control. You can control how you react & this will often bring a better solution than putting energy where it goes to waste. 

8. Don't let others influence your emotions - Letting others influence your emotions can cause you to sometimes make choices that you might not otherwise make if you were thinking straightly on your own. Someone might try and tease you about something or let on that they're better than you because they have more money or a better job. This can lead to anger or resentment and you might lash out at them and make the whole situation worse. Be in control of your emotions, people used to make fun of me growing up because we were not rich but, I didn't care. I could have gotten angry and acted a mess like them but, I was grateful for what I had and ended up being a much happier person than these people. Because many times, these people are trying to bring you down to their level because they know you are already above them, so don't give them what they want!

9. Don't resent other people's success - Your path is not someone else's and vice versa. We all have a path that is made for us and us alone. Just because someone else achieve's something doesn't mean success can't be your's too. You just have to do things your way and differently. But, living in someone else's success will only cause you to dislike things about your life that are perfectly great - it clouds your judgement and thankfulness. Instead lift up another's success and think if that person can achieve - you can too! 

10. Don't shy away from responsibilities - Taking on responsibilities whether new or old can help strengthen not only our knowledge but, also our abilities. We may learn something new or improve a skill we already possess. But, shying away from these responsibilities only creates problems, you might let yourself down which can create anxiety of failure or checking off your responsibilities might cause someone else problems if getting your's done is connected. So get them done as you can and you won't cause unnecessary worry.

1. Don't give up after the 1st failure - It's almost impossible to succeed on the first try - pending on what you're trying to achieve. And even then, practise makes perfect or so they say. Trying again often leads to where we need to be, sometimes it's not where we intended to go but, instead where we need to be. You'll never find out if you give up after only the first try.

12. Don't fear taking calculated risks - some of the greatest things ever achieved or discovered in this world, have been born out of risk. If you're not playing, you're not in the game. Don't go wild and take risks that could bring about harm and so on. But, calculate what you need and how to get it. It might be applying for a job that you need to be able to talk to many people at once and you're afraid to do that - just do it. More than likely, it won't be as bad as you envisioned. Sometimes the worst that can happen is what we create in our minds and what will most likely never happen. They probably feared going to outer space but then we wouldn't know what was out there had they not took the risk and went anyways!

With Love from The Dainty Dolls House<3



  1. Totally agree with you Kizzy, our struggles develop our strength. Sometimes alone time can help us be our own person to do something unique. Great post honey actually these days our county's women are doing such things. I hope you have seen this in the news.
    Have a great day.
    Kisses <3

  2. This is such an inspiring read! You made some excellent points. Shying away from responsibilities keeps us infantile, only by taking them on do we become real adults. I also like your advice about not letting others keep us down.

  3. Not giving up and remembering that nobody owes us anything is important too. We are all responsible for ourselves.

  4. I totally agree with you Kizzy, life can be much easier if we follow most of these tips!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  5. Great Post, this Points are very helpful for a healthy Mind <3

    lovely Greetings

  6. The beginning of the year can be a struggle sometimes but I always feel like things start getting better if we can make it through the first month. Being mentally strong can really help us in all aspects of life. I'm a big believer in doing my own thing and not worrying about others.

  7. I hope you're feeling better Kizzy. Thank you for sharing these tips. Being mentally strong really helps with dealing with life. Wishing you a wonderful week!

  8. Ah yes this can indeed be a challenge at times. And the new year is a good time to rethink ones life it also can bring on feelings of now self worth and the like. Great tips and ideas to implement. And hope you feel better soon!

    Allie of

  9. This months has been horrible for me with all this anxiety and stress I have not doing anything
    Thanks for share these advices with us darling

  10. I wish you a fab week ahead dear!

  11. Great Post!! The world does not owe us. We tend to forget sometimes and we gotta stop comparing our self to others. Feel better Sweetie. . .

  12. Amazing post...very motivating...thanks for sharing dear..:-)

  13. Lovely post and lovely tips!, love to read your inspiring words and feel encouraged to stay focused on the things I can improve!

  14. These are great tips! It can be hard not to let things get on top of you when it feels like things are going badly but you're so right about not feeling sorry for yourself. And you should let other people's success inspire you too. Such a positive read x



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