Friday 27 January 2023

| Peaceful Moments |

 "Happiness lives inside the smallest of moments" 

Happy Friday lovelies!! I hope you've had a wonderful week and your weekend will be bliss!! I took this picture a couple weeks ago at my in-laws house, the sunset was beautiful and full of colours for one of the first times all winter, it was spectacular to just be in the moment and soak it all in. I don't think we do that enough, we're often too busy trying to get to the next moment before we've enjoyed the one we're in just now (unless things aren't good & then it's understandable). 

It reminded me to enjoy each moment and also not wait to enjoy a moment, don't put your "best" anything for some "big" day, every day is a big day and we should make each day count!! So indulge in the things that make you happy and alive!! Have a wonderful weekend.

Loves & loves


1 comment

  1. Hello Kizzy! That is a spectacular sunset and you captured it beautifully.I've always found it so ironic that we tend to get some of the most gorgeous sunsets when the weather is cold. We had a picturesque pink sunset in NYC earlier this week. I was too busy enjoying it that I forgot to take a photo. But I guess that's the point of what you're saying here. I've been making a point to enjoy and appreciate those special moments more since the pandemic. If anything reminds you that we need to make the most out of our time, it would be that. I hop you'll enjoy a most marvelous weekend!


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