| Things to Remember |

It's ok if you fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire...!

Happy Monday darlings, I hope the weekend was lovely and restful for you. I took the time to soak in some sunshine that we had here and just center myself for the new week, lots to do. Here are some things that I would like you to remember this week and always....one is repeated on purpose for those who need it most! 


You're amazing just the way you are.
You don't have to be perfect.
Having a bad day is ok.
Small steps is also progress.
Asking for help is strength.
People love & appreciate you.
Tomorrow is a new day.
Making mistakes is part of life.
Saying no is ok.
Not everyone has to like you.
You're amazing just the way you are.
Beauty & strength come from within.
You're allowed to change your plans.
You don't have to be happy all of the time.
Showing emotions is healthy & okay.
Authenticity is better than perfection.
Your worth is not measured by your productivity. 
You should celebrate the tiny victories.
Your potential is endless.
Make time to rest. 
You're amazing just the way you are!

Loves & Loves

p.s. photo by me, KizzyDoll.


  1. Wow! that's so inspiring. Thanks for this lovely post. God bless ya!
    The Glossychic
    Wonder Cottage

  2. What a lovely and inspirational reminder Kizzy! We'd all do better to keep these in mind. Thank you and have a wonderful week sweetie!

  3. This is wonderful message to start the week. Lovely roses.

  4. I need to copy these works in my diary as a reminder, they are so wise. I often struggle with asking for help, but often it is not necessarily but beneficial for ourselves and the person giving help. There is nothing wrong in asking for help. Slow progress is still progress- another thing I need to remind myself of. As long as we keep going forward it is good. Not every growth has to be spectacular. Indeed, sometimes developing our skills and/ or talents in a slow and organic way can be actually beneficial for us.


  5. These things are so easy to forget. Lovely reminder. We all need to be kinder to ourselves sometimes x


  6. Such lovely affirmations. I always try and tell myself it's OK to have bad days xx

    Gemma • Gemma Etc . ❤️

  7. Love the optimism and positivity in this post babe! You're so right, we need to remind ourselves that we can always pick ourselves back up again! :)

    aglassofice.com x

  8. Ah wow I needed this today!! Bless you xxx


  9. Yesss. . .I'm celebrating the tiny victories. Enjoy every moment my Dear!

  10. Estupendas palabras! ❤️❤️❤️ Espero tu opinión en mi último post! Feliz día! 🌻🌻🌻

  11. Love this post doll. It's important to encourage ourselves and know that we are enough. I've learnt that and you're right everyone doesn't have to like us! It's alway good weekly reminders for me I think. xo

  12. Oh thanks for share this beautiful post

  13. This is so inspiring anytime of the week. Thank you.


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