| I'm Fine |

I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine. I'll let go of your hand now. I know I'm all mine, mine, mine. Cuz I'm just fine. I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine. I don't want to be sad anymore. I can see the sunshine, shine, shine. Cuz I'm just fine, just fine. I'm Just Fine by BTS.

Happy December dolls!! I hope you had a fantastic weekend!?! I had so much fun at the Christmas market, I took pictures that I'll share soon, once I get them on my computer. We ate lots of food and sweets, rode rides and enjoyed the lights. I took these yesterday, it was really sunny yet cold, but those are the winter days I love the most. Growing up at the start of winter all the way through to spring, I would get seasonal depression, no matter what I did, I would just feel horrible, lethargic to the point that I would barely get up because I just felt like the grey of winter was never going to end. Some years ago I decided to try something new and started wearing brighter colours in the winter time to 'trick the brain' so to speak combined with spending time outside whenever it's brightened up to soak up the light & I've noticed my mood stays at better levels than it had whilst growing up. I am by nature a spring/summer sunshine doll but, because of the way I've come to combat winter, I've been able to find happiness in it as well and that's greatly helped. Because winter time used to be almost crippling for me & I'd be really down and not want to leave my house. If you get that way - it's ok!! You're not alone and there are lots of ways to help but, it's important to first talk to someone & let others help you. It took a lot of trial and error to figure out what worked best for me & it might be the same for you but, don't give up, there is sunshine for those who seek it, I promise! And don't listen to those that just say, 'well, I think winter is great' those people talk bullshit and can't fathom what it's like for others who don't work that way. What is good for one person may not be for someone else and that's ok but, empathy is needed in talking with someone feeling down or depressed. You're allowed to feel the way you feel, it may have taken me a bit to figure out how to enjoy winter but, it can be done. So please, if you feel down and depressed during the winter or holiday time, reach out to someone for help. Don't let yourself struggle alone, there are people who care & want to help!!
I do kind of wish for good snow this year - not slush or ice but, proper thick snow. So I can go sledding and make a snowman. I sometimes miss winters like that in Michigan, it tends to be slushy rainy snow here which isn't fit for doing anything in, haha. I hope you have a fantastic new week my lovelies!

Loves & Loves

{Dainty Boudoir: Dress - Anna Sui ; Tights - Bebaroque (ebay) ; Shoes - Clarks ; Gloves - Jackalope Land}

With Love From the Dainty Dolls House <3


  1. What a darling styling. I love the pink tights and gloves. Beautiful blue printed dress as well. You look so pretty! This hairstyle with bangs suits you so well and the make up is so lovely. Happy Monday beautiful!

  2. A happy December to you as well! I did enjoy my weekend and did a lot of Tweeting on Twitter.
    You look gorgeous!!! Your hair, eye-make and lipstick all look beautiful, and that dress from Anna Sui looks wonderfully feminine and very pretty. I love its complementary contrast with the Bebaroque tights! The stonework and waterfront backdrop for your outfit photos is lovely.

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  3. Glad you guys had fun at the markets, I went to my first Christmas market of the year this weekend as well. I'm usually at my happiest in winter and more down in the summer so I can empathise but in the totally opposite way to most people. I hope you're not having too many down days! x


    1. Thank you so much!! Ahh..I have friends that feel that way in summer too. It's not nice. I am doing well so far, so hopefully I can make it through winter ok!! x

  4. Sadly winter depression is real and afflicts many people but there are ways to stave it off. I also try to wear bright colors to lift my mood and getting sunshine helps too. You look smashing as always Kizzy!

    1. It really is and so many people think it's just a thing you can get over in no time. Thankfully there are ways to help and more people to talk to as well about it. Thank you so much!! x

  5. You look gorgeous kizzy, I love your hair like that. And wintertime should be banned!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  6. Todo se ve estupendo! Espero que tengas un buen día! ☃️☃️☃️

  7. I love that wearing bring colors has helped you to deal with your winter blues. I'm more of a warm weather girl as well, but I'm good with winter weather. That's because I deal with winter weather in warm climate states so it's not too bad. I do like a bit of snow, though. Also, your pink gloves are quite cute.

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  8. Hi doll, I recently started to wear bright colors too. Winter can be depressing, but I love your advice on how to deal with it.


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