| Ways to simplify your life |

Clutter isn't just stuff in your closet, it's anything that gets between you and the life you want to be living. I give up freely what no longer serves me positively. I release it to create space for what inspires me...

Hiya dolls! Because we've been getting our house ready to sell, decluttering each room has been one of the main jobs that we've been finding ourselves consistently doing, so I thought I would make a post around simplifying your life in simple easy-to-do ways that will make each day a little simpler. A lot of these I have been doing myself and once I got into the habit of doing them, I noticed how easier I was breathing and less strained I felt about getting tasks done. Not everyone is going to need to do all of these but, no doubt there will be some you need more than others. I hope they help in any way to make it better. Have a brilliant day!


p.s. photo above by me.

Ways to simplify your life

Declutter your home - get rid of the things you don't need. Make more space and it'll be easier to keep clean and tidy.

Your clothes - Only keep the things that you love and make you feel good and that fit.

Your mornings - Create a morning routine that sets you up for the day ahead. 

Health & Fitness - Find simple, realistic ways to incorporate healthy eating and exercise into your day.

Your evenings - Prepare for the next day and find time to unwind and relax before bedtime.

Say no and own it - Be firm in saying no to the things that aren't important to you or that cause you stress.

Paper Clutter - Sort through mail, bills, and other papers often, set up a filing system and shred the rest. 

Keep your home tidy - Put things away as you go rather than leaving it to pile up throughout the day. Encourage yourself, your partner or children to help.

Your time - Find ways to be more productive and efficient, don't waste time on things that don't matter. Use your time more wisely.

Your finances - Make a map or chart to keep track of your monthly income, outgoings and plans to save more.

Declutter your mind - Do a brain dump and get rid of your thoughts by writing them down on paper. Get clarity and develop action points.

Relationships - Invest your time and energy on those that count.

Self-Care - Put yourself first every now and then, you're important.

Get organised - Save yourself the stress, stop winging it. Plan & prepare. Unless, you're a bit like me that actually gets better ideas when you have to be quick.

Chores & Housework - Establish simple routines & rotas to keep your home clean, little and often.

Your daily routine - Find ways to do the things you need to do as well as those you WANT to do by creating a flexible daily routine.

Your clutter - Not just physical clutter but clutter in all shapes and sizes.

Your expectations - Be realistic and focus on your priorities.

Ditch things that bring you down - Get serious & intentional about making your life count.

With Love from The Dainty Dolls House....<3


  1. I might have an issue with this one "Only keep the things that you love and make you feel good and that fit" ! I tend to pile up unuseful things!
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  2. So many great tips here, and I'm sure everyone can work on at least one of them. Paper clutter is a big one for me, I'm forever hanging on to things I think I might need soon x


    1. Thank you!! Paper clutter can really get on top of you, I have some as well, but, I'm trying to remind myself more to get rid of it sooner! x

  3. Great post doll. Even though my schedule is crazy at times, I make certain to take out time in the wee hours of the morning. Self-care and anti-stress days are very important to me.
    FASHION TALES g to start my day. A bit of yoga helps.

    1. Yes, sometimes you have to find time anywhere but, it's so important!! x

  4. What a wonderful Post, i love all the helpful Tips. Thank you <3

    lovely Greetings

  5. A good and timely post! Enjoy the coming weekend.

  6. Great tips, dear lady, thanks for sharing!. I have to focus particularly in keeping my home tidy, most of the time I just throw things on a pile and then I get stressed everytime I see the mess I did!

  7. Great info. Thanks for one of the best Simplify Tips post. Keep it up.


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