| Cosmic Waves |

When tough times come your way, you really only have two options. You can either fight the waves or you can fight them. You can spend all of your energy wishing things were different and wishing that situations and people would change. You can spend your precious time fighting against reality and all that it is - or you can let go and ride the waves. You can soften. You can accept that life brings waves, and some waves will be undoubtedly wonderful but others will be incredibly tough. My lovely friend, I hope you learn to ride your waves. Nikki Banas.

I had shared this picture on Instagram only but, then decided that I wanted it on my blog as well. The days are finally warming up here, school is done, so we can enjoy the summer break. Even though, I feel like I've been on a slight break for months now, ha. I just hope that everyone is still practicing their social distancing as much as possible and covering their face outside too. I liked this quote because I felt like it was a good description of how a lot of us feel about life at the moment, everything is like waves - up and down. We can either ride it out or crash into the water and give up. We may continuously fall but eventually we can learn to stand and ride the waves out. But, giving up is not an option because if we do that - we drown, sink and are gone. I hope that we'll all choose to ride the waves instead of letting ourselves sink. Have a great weekend to come.

Loves & Loves

{Dainty Boudoir: Earrings - c/o L'Warren


  1. This photo of you is absolutely stunning of you! And this quote is greatly appreciated.

  2. I love what you're wearing here! And such a great message. Sometimes you have to ride the wave, such a lovely quote x


  3. totally love this photo! you look stunning!

  4. I love this picture Kizzy and I really hope that we learned something from these experiences. I hope....I am not sure though.
    Don't Call Me Fashion Blogger

  5. Very interesting post! Thanks for sharing! 🎀🎀🎀

  6. That image is magical! And this little piece of advice is so apt and timely with everything going on right now. Let's all choose to find a way to ride those waves. Have a wonderful weekend lovely <3

  7. What an awesome picture! The pink ruffles are so pretty on you! Have a wonderful and safe summer! :)

    Hope that you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

  8. I really like this photograph of you, very artist and pretty. The pink ruffles are fabulous. The quote is very inspiring. Life has its ups and downs but we have to keep going.

  9. First off just want to say love this photo!! And very insightful and helpful advice. Not always so easy to do, but one can try!

    Allie of


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